Life Is A Journey,

Let Health Be Your Guide

Let Health Be Your Guide provides a unique approach to navigating life. As a teacher and practitioner of Integrative Medicine, my mission is to provide guiding principles, health insights and humour to inspire people to navigate life using health as their guide.

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Vikki King, M.D.

Keys to Thriving

Life is a journey. Use these navigational tools to guide you to your full potential. 

Compass pointing to Well Being

Your Compass

Your compass points you in the right direction. Learn why that compass should be health.

Glasses lens showing a sharp foreground with a blurred background

Your Lens

Your lens is your perception. It is the way you perceive yourself and the outside world. How does your lens affect your life?

Scale made out of balanced rocks

Your Scale

Your scale is balance. Use your scale to weigh your choices and choose what brings balance to your life.

Our Latest Health Guides

Put your health first by maintaining your physical,  mental and spiritual wellness. Browse our latest articles and let health be your guide to a better tomorrow.

Mental Health

Stay Connected

Put your health first. Subscribe to my newsletter for the latest news and information to guide you in your healthy journey.

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Spiritual Health


What is Yoga

What is the Real Meaning of Yoga Is your image of Yoga a room full of lithe bodies in lululemon pants, contorted into various poses

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Environmental Health

Financial Health

Vikki with her dog Kali

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